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with Brian Tracy

In this video series we will hear from Brian Tracy. He is a former CEO and now spends his time speaking, writing, and producing video content that focuses on goal setting and being a successful person.  

Instructions for Obtaining Certification:

To obtain certification for a video, watch the video in its entirety, complete the associated quiz, and receive a passing score. Certificates of Completion will be forwarded upon successfully passing the quiz. You do not need to complete all videos and quizzes in one setting-you can work through them at your own pace.

Course Listing
Week 1 Key Success Factors
Week 1: 30 Key success factors to achieving your goals
Week2 Stop Making Excuses
Week 2: Stop making excuses on your goals
week 3 10 Step Problem Solving Process
Week 3: 10 step problem solving process
week 4 Grow Resiliency
Week 4: How to grow resiliency: Get good at feeling bad
week 5: Overcome Self-Sabotage
Week 5: How to overcome self-sabotage and achieve your goals
week 6: How to be a Team Player
Week 6: How to be a team player to succeed
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